
BSA Jamboree 2010

| Wednesday, August 4, 2010

At the Jamboree I was a member of the inaugural Jamboree Swimming Staff. We had an absolute blast! I had the priviledge of being part of an excellent set of staffers. My shift, if I do say so, simply worked. Considering we were fairly laid back as a whole, everything got done efficiently and in a timely matter. Little ruffled us. And when the weather turned against us, we all joined forces and simply got done what needed to be done.

The highlight of the Jamboree was watching Archer. Archer is a Scout who, due to physical conditions beyond his control, is largely confined to an electric wheelchair. His father brought him down to the pools early most morning so that he would have the pool largely to himself. Watching Archer swim, float, and stand on his own two feet in the water entirely on his own was something to behold. And I think that there was not a dry eye in attendance. On to the photographs!