Student Leadership Conference
Ah yes, the annual Student Leadership Conference. This was probably the best one I've attended over the years. Kevin Prentiss, the keynote speaker, said it best:
- Dance Floors and College Campuses are the SAME THING
- Be the Spatula. Why? Because Spatula's have more fun.
Harvest Fest
Harvest Fest was a grand time, once it got underway. Being a college event, things that should have happened earlier in the day did not happen until right before the event started. It's all good though. Everyone had a blast carving pumpkins and participating in the costume contest. There were some really good costumes and some pumpkins that required templates to be carved around. Enjoy!
On vs. Off Powderpuff Football
Believe it or not, nearly all of these photos were taken without a flash, using only the field lights for illumination. It's kinda cool how many great photos I can get with a steady hand and vibration reduction. Knowing a number of the players and volunteer officials, coaches, etc. allowed me to take photos right from the sidelines, which was cool. It does get kinda interesting though when a runner is coming straight toward you and you're so focused on taking photos that you almost forget to move out of the way... yeah, that was me once or twice.
Homecoming Events
Homecoming Weekend at the college was a blast. There were some great cars, both old and new, at the car show, but the highlight of the day was the presentation of the Homecoming Court. My good friend Jess was there taking photos for the school, and between the two of us we both walked away with some excellent photos. I got some awesome candid photos of the members of the Homecoming Court, the participants in various activities, and my buddy Collin also got in on the fun.
Kelly Photoshoot
Kelly is one of the girls that I know from college. She takes part in various pageants, and asked if I'd take some headshots for her, as her other ones were from a year or two ago. The college has a few lesser-known areas that are great for photography, and the lighting on this day made it extra good.
SGA Senate Retreat
Good times were had by all at the SGA Senate Retreat. Basically, the retreat is an opportunity for the SGA Executive Board and the Senators to hang-out, get to know each other, and to get everyone on the same page relative to what Student Government is, and what the ambitions and goals of the Executive Board are. Also included is a session on Robert's Rules, which is always interesting, at least to me. The basics of Robert's Rules are not difficult at all, and yet people tend to have such a hard time grasping how to properly make a motion.
This being a college environment, food is a great way to encourage attendance... and it worked wonderfully well.
PCT vs. PSU Mont Alto
Even though I had class with volleyball players, and was in various organizations with volleyball players, this was the first, last, and only volleyball game I attended at PCT. 'course it did help that my cousin was coaching the PSU Mont Alto team, which made a good excuse to hang out with family for a bit.
Probably the best part of the game happened during the PSU Mont Alto warm-up, where the one assistant coach went down for a dig and managed to rip the rear seam out of his khaki dress pants. Unfortunately, we were laughing so hard that I didn't get photos of it. Luckily for him, extra pairs of warm-up pants were brought along.
Allshouse Wedding
I had a great time at the wedding. The ceremony was very nice, and the reception was quite good. My 35mm f/1.8 lens came in really handy, as the reception area was well lit for a reception, but not for fast shutter speeds (and using a flash really made it obvious who was taking photos). Whenever possible I try and take photos without a flash, as it allows me to take more "un-posed" photos, which results in some great facial expressions and body language. Granted, those of my friends who know me know how I accomplish this, and still manage to pose for a photo or two, as most notably evidenced by my good buddy Brian.